Dalip Shree Shyam Comp Tech. 9811480287
baba kahtu shyam ji darshan

।। राधे राधे ।। राधे राधे ।। राधे राधे ।। आप सभी भक्तों को जय श्री श्याम।। ।। राधे राधे ।। राधे राधे ।। राधे राधे ।।

shyam aarti


।। आप सभी भक्तों को जय श्री श्याम।।



Khatu Shyam Ji

Chulkana Dham

Surajgarh Dham

www.babakhatushyam.com is the latest and best devotional website which is serving for Khatu Shyam Ji and his devotees. We have furnished here, with the complete awareness about Morvi Nandan in the process of promoting Khatu Shyam Bhakti. We heartly feel that,it is impossible without Shyam Sarkar's blessings We feel prestigious to ourselves, since we are capable of serving for Shree Khatu Naresh and his devotees.
Although,there are many temples of Shree Khatu Shyam Ji but his World Famous Main Temple is situated in Village Khatu,District Seekar,Rajasthan. Phalguna Festival Mela is the most famous mela of Shree Shyam Ji, which is usually Celebrated for five days , in the month of Phalguna according to hindi punchang close to Holi Festival.
Many of the devotees are still less aware of Shyam Ji. They are aware of his name only without any knowledge like Who is him ? Why People worship him ? Why is he called Sheesh Ka Daani (The Donor of Head) ? Let us know more about our Shyam Sarkar



Radhy Rani Ji Darshan

Banke Bihari Ji Darshan

Mahakal Ji Darshan

As Soon as, Barbarika reached into the Mahabharat Battle, Shree Krishna stopped him to ask whom would he join. Barbarika replied that he would join the side whichever is week. Shree Krishna knew the consequences of the words of Barbarika to his mother. He was aware of the phenomenal powers of Barbarika who had the caliberity of destroying opponent's whole army, by a single arrow. Shree Krishna was well awared of the fact that Kauravas would lose , and if Barbarika would support the week side,Kauravas would win the battle.Hence,Krishna avoided his participation in the war. He disguised as a brahmin and asked Barbarika's head in charity. Barbarika sniffed Krishna's intent and requested the brahmin to disclose his real identity.
Krishna came into his real apperance and explained to him the reason of asking his head for the worship of battlefield by sacrificing the head of the bravest Kshatriya . Barbarika disclosed his great desire to Krishna to view the forthcoming battle. Shree Krishna granted his wish to fulfill and placed his head on the top of a hill. After watching the whole battle, victorious Pandavas asked Barbarika's head who was responsible for their victory. Barbarika's head replied that it was Shree Krishna who was alone responsible for Pandava's Victory in Mahabharat Battle.
Shree Krishna being pleased with his great sacrifice,gave Barbarika blessing that he would be known as Shyam' in Kaliyuga and called Shree Khatu Shyam as well. Devotees who pray and visit Khatu Shyam Temple heartily are blessed with happiness and prosperity in their lives.




श्री खाटू श्याम मंदिर आरती समय

shyam aarti
आरती के नामसर्दियों में समयगर्मियों में समय
मंगला आरती05.30 प्रात:04.30 प्रात:
श्रृंगार आरती08.00 प्रात:07.00 प्रात:
भोग आरती12.30 दोपहर01.30 दोपहर
संध्या आरती06:30 सायं07:30 सायं
शयन आरती09.00 रात्रि10.00 रात्रि

श्याम आरती

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falgun Mela 2025

falgun Mela 2025

फाल्गुन मेला बाबा खाटूश्याम जी का मुख्य मेला है। यह मेला फाल्गुन मास (मार्च) में तिथि के आधार पर प्रतिपदाा से बारस तक 12 दिनों के लिये आयोजित किया जाता है।

हर देश से श्रद्धालु खाटूनगरी में बाबा के दर्शन के लिये आते हैं जिनमें कुछ श्रद्धालु ऐसे हैं जो रिंगस से पदयात्रा (निशान यात्रा) करते हुये बाबा के धाम जाते हैं।

falgun Mela 2025

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